Årbøker ~ The Yearbooks of Trønderlag of America
Publications documenting our recent history and activities as well as the research and writing of family an immigration stories. Immigrant biographies included in the yearbooks provide first-hand accounts of emigration experiences or a researched perspective by family or friends.
Our Yearbooks
SPECIAL SALE! Get all 6 yearbooks for just $10 (plus free shipping to U.S. addresses). Order yours today!
Get your own copies of our professionally bound and printed yearbooks, filled with historical information and photos as well as stories and biographies of Tronder immigrants to America. These stories capture the amazing journeys of our ancestors and their experiences as they adapted to life in a new land!
Six different books are available. One of the most interesting is the Centennial 1908-2008 book. We also have the English translation of the 1910 årbøk.
There may be a limited number of some books. We will remove them from our list when they are gone.
In 2005 Trønderlag of America re-established the tradition of publishing a Trønderlag Aarbok (a yearbook).The 2005 Aarbok was the first the lag had published in more than 20 years. The purpose of the yearbook is to help us maintain a history of Trønderlag and share that history with lag members and others. Our special focus was immigrant biographies and we were highly successful in having a large number submitted for the book. Some biographies included several generations of families. Many included photos. Each årbøk is described below.

2006 Yearbook
This yearbook contains:
- history of Trønderlag of America
- immigrant letters
- biographies of famous Tronders and their descendants
- 79 other immigrant biographies.
Fully indexed. 384 pages.
ISBN: 0976891115

2005 Yearbook
- Lag history and photos
- emigration stories and letters
- 125 Trøndelag immigrant biographies
Fully indexed. 424 pages.
ISBN: 0976891107

1908-2008 Centennial
Written in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Trønderlag of America
This book includes:
- the Centennial program
- organization history
- short biographies and pictures of the 120 Charter Members along with a list of "found" descendants of these Charter Members.
144 pages.
ISBN: 0976891131
Order Yearbooks
To order your own copies of the yearbooks, please complete and submit the form below and we will contact you by email with payment details.
Individual books $3 each.
One SET of the 6 books for $10.
* Prices are for U.S. addresses - contact us for shipping outside the U.S.
** The 1910 book is in short supply and is available while supplies last!
TO ORDER BY EMAIL or inquire for more details
Send an e-mail to aarbook@tronderlag.org indicating book names and quantities - we will send you instructions on where to send your check.