Historical Timeline
In March of 1904 a group of Tronders got together to plan a Trønderlaget stevne, but abandoned the idea because of bickering over what territory in Norway they should include. They were afraid they would cut a poor figure in comparison with the Valders group.
A Trønderlag was hastily created in June of 1907 but received little support and failed.
After some effort Trønderlaget (later Tronderlag of America) was created on September 17, 1908 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, with 120 charter members (By the next stevne, more than 400 had joined.).
Before the organization, there had been much writing and correspondence in the Norwegian papers, "Scandinavian" and "Decorah Posten". They had a difficult time finding someone to take the leadership. Faculty members of Tronder background at Park Region College in Fergus Falls, headed by the president Rev. D.G. Ristad, were among the promoters. Prof. Thomas Wollan and Prof. I. Darrum on their own called an organizational meeting. All Tronders from the eight fylkes were to be included. Later there were 15 more stevnes organized. Prof. Wollan, a banker and businessman from Glenwood, was the first president. Other officers included D.G.Ristad, John Wist, Thomas Warloe, O.C. Hauan, A.C. Floen and Lars Hayseth.
Membership had grown to 2,556 by 1925, making us one of the largest stevnes.
The Tronderlaget early published yearbooks and were early members of Nordmans-Forbundet (today - "The Norway-America Association - NORAM"). They also helped organize Bygdelagens Fellesraad. Money to help build a Kors Altar (choir altar) was donated to Trondheims Domkirke and they also presented an expensive model of Nidaros Kirke to the Norwegian-American Museum at Decorah, Iowa.
1935 - 1939
A magazine called the "Trønder American" was published from 1935-39
In 1936 a gathering of all the separate stevnes was held at Madison, MN with a good attendance.
1940 - 1945
During World War II, no Tronderlaget stevnes were held.
When the Tronderlaget met in 1966, it was decided that because of the discouraging low attendance at the stevne, it had served its purpose and thus was disbanded.
The lag was brought back to life in 1982 in Dawson, Minnesota. They raised money by selling bumper stickers, pins, and other items and holding a raffle. They only charged $1.50 for a membership "so that no true-blooded Tronder would feel they couldn't afford to belong." The group responsible for that stevne included Agnes Boraas, Floyd and Selma Boraas, Irvin and Anna Kleven, Lowell and Bernice Oellien, Rudy and Bernice Prestholdt, Bervin and Arlene Skjei, Mildred Skurdahl, Ellsworth and Sylvia Smogard, Orvin and Josephine Larson, Selma Torstenson and Berdeen and Mable Vaala.At the business meeting, the following were elected to the Executive Board: Co-chairmen Bernice Oellien and Mable Vaala; Secretary Orvin Larson, Treasurer Ellsworth Smogard, Historian Meredith Ulstad; Directors Curtis Olson, Esther Opien and Ilene Chapman.
The lag was renamed "Trønderlag of America" and a new set of by-laws were ratified by members at the business meeting.
Attendance was so large that the Tre Lag Stevne Group Photo for Trønderlag of America's 100th Anniversary in Fergus Falls, Minnesota (the location of the original founding of Trønderlag of America) of all three lags had to be taken from a distance with all the members on a hill.

The stevne was expanded to five lags with the addition of Romerikslaget i Amerika and Solørlag of America. The first Flere Lag Stevne was held in August 2022 in Rochester, MN.